Tekhnoopttorg-Trade is a leader among the tire traders in Ukraine
More than 30 years
on the tire market
Tekhnoopttorg-Trade is the only reliable link between manufacturers and
consumers of the tire products
Tekhnoopttorg-Trade includes a complex of offices, warehouses and service
centers in 15 regions of Ukraine
42,490 m2
storage areas
One of the main goals in our work is the uninterrupted supply of tires to our
20 000
regular customers
Every year, this number increases and more and more consumers become our
regular customers
Tires for all types of equipment
Car tires
tires for cars, jeeps and SUVs
Service is carried out in the certified network of tire centers TVOYA SHYNA
Cargo tires
tires for buses, trucks, tractors and municipal transport
Cargo tires service is provided by CAMION TIRES service
Agricultural tires
tires for tractors, combines, trailers, seeding complexes and other units
Some types of agricultural tire repairs are also carried out at the service stations
Commercial tires
domestic and imported tires for light vehicles
Service is carried out in the certified network of tire centers TVOYA SHYNA
Industrial tires
tires for forklifts, road construction and quarry machines, large tires
Some types of industrial tire repair are carried out at CAMION TIRES service
Tire supermarket
Tekhnoopttorg-Trade is a company that supplies tires for pre-orders.
At the same time, both consumer preferences and seasonality of sales are taken into account.
At the same time, both consumer preferences and seasonality of sales are taken into account.
In each region of presence, the company creates
the necessary stock of tires, taking into account the peculiarities of the region and its geographical location.
Timely and regular replenishment of stock in all warehouses makes it possible to
successfully cover seasonal needs in tires
We do deliveries taking into account the specialization of the
tire manufacturer. Today, our company is the official representative of 23 plants
A reliable and convenient partner
PROFESSIONAL CONSULTATIONSAfter communicating with our specialists, you will not have any questions regarding the use and features of the operating conditions of tires.
OPERATIONALITYWe value our customers time. Your order will be processed within the minimum time from the moment of the request
INDIVIDUAL APPROACHFor each client, we form individual terms of cooperation that depend on the client's specialization
CURRENT ASSORTMENTOur range of tires is always up-to-date and corresponds to development trends of the Ukrainian tire market
REQUIRED TIRES ALWAYS IN STOCKTaking care of our customers, we maintain the constant availability of more than 1600 standard sizes in our warehouses
HIGH QUALITY SERVICEThe full cycle of customer service in our company is completed by tire service
CLOSER TO THE CONSUMERContinuously developing the network of branches and representative offices, we strive to be closer to our consumers both geographically and informationally
Profile of brands
The Tekhnoopttorg-Trade company has all the capabilities to comprehensively equip a mixed fleet of equipment, regardless of what function it performs in the business process (sowing measures, processing at the ripening stage, harvesting, as well as transportation and storage) in any company, regardless of its size, and in any region of Ukraine.
Network of trade and service centers 

In 2008, the Tekhnoopttorg-Trade company, together with the Bridgestone CIS company, opened the first car tire center in Ukraine, "Tvoya Shyna Pole Position". For 9 years, 16 tire centers "Tvoya Shyna Pole Position" have been opened and all they are successfully operating in Ukraine.
Tire centers work in accordance with the service standards of the Bridgestone company.
COMFORT. RELIABILITY. SAFETY are the most important components of the work standards of passenger tire centers "Tvoya Shyna Pole Position"
Do you have questions?
Submit your request using one of the methods below. and we will contact you within 15 minutes